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WELCOME to the home of the "Sic Puppies". A flight squadron in the game "ACES HIGH". The squad was started back in early 2006 making it one of the oldest and longest surviving squad groups in Aces High. It was started by Mike "MWK522" and Paul "Chalenge", a couple of very good friends who had lots of fun flying together. Mike was the bomber pilot, and Paul was high cover more often than not in his P-51 mustang.

It didn't take long for more and more like minded players to join the squad. The biggest rule has always been "Have Fun!" and that is what these guys have always done. From all walks of life this group comes together just for the comradery, the jokes, and the fun while playing all aspects of the game. Be it tanks, fighters, or bombers we do it all.

Back in May of 2022 we lost Mike and added his initials to the squad name. 6 months later Mikes best friend, Paul followed him in Nov 2022. Great friends back together again. Their loss is still felt by most of the players in the squad.

The squads two wings are now lead by "Kenai77" and "Reaper24". If your looking for a fun group of guys who do it all, at all times of the day, look for a "Sic Puppy"!
