Sic Puppies Player Guidelines |
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With our sister squad, we are the largest “squad” in the game. When we all work together, it is almost 1. Have Fun. Enjoy the game, AH3 has a lot to offer. Try it all, each of us have our strengths and
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Sic Puppies Player Guidelines
With our sister squad, we are the largest “squad” in the game. When we all work together, it is almost
impossible to stop us. Here is a list of player guidelines for the squad. Any objections or suggestions are
1. Have Fun. Enjoy the game, AH3 has a lot to offer. Try it all, each of us have our strengths and
weaknesses. Share your knowledge, help each other to improve on your weaknesses.
2. Posted Missions: It should be rare you miss a mission, participate as much as you can. It is
understood if you’re in the middle of a bombing run, defending a white flagged base or afk, you
may not be able to make it, but these should be exceptions, not the norm. We have the Best
Missions planner in the game, Reaper24, we can all learn from him and need to support the
3. Hiding in Buildings: I strongly urge everyone to NOT use this glitch in the game. As a squad, we
don’t want to be doing this. While it may not be “cheating”, I believe it is unethical. That having
been said, there may be times it is justified, if an opponent is hiding in a building, you may need
to go into the building to eliminate the opponent. Currently, we know of 3 buildings that can be
entered, the 3 story buildings, Large Barn, & the Blue Barn.
4. Squaddie Calls for Help: Squaddie calling for help should be a priority response. Need gv
supplies, say so, and where you are located. Same for Town supplies, say so and where you are
located. Troops needed, again say so and where you are located. As you respond, notify
everyone on the squad channel. Again, it is understood, if you’re in the middle of a bombing
run, defending a white flagged base, or in a Perk Plane/GV, you may not be able to make it.
5. Enemy Bomber Intercept: If you’re chasing strat runners or bombers inbound to a base, advise
everyone the type (b-17’s), altitude of bombers, and location.
6. Base Capture: Any base take attempt needs to have troops on the way, as a #1 priority. For
those in gv’s, tanks, wirbls etc., taking the guns down first should be a priority, this allows the
M3 to access the town on arrival, and find a good hiding spot. It also eliminates the extra
moving around for the M3, which means less chance of being spotted by enemy planes.
7. Switching Countries: Sic Puppies are Bishops. We don’t switch countries. We also do not “Auto
8. Squad Nights: We can set up a Training Squad Night and a Melee Arena Squad Night. One of
each per month. First Full Week of the month, Tuesday 8 PM to 10 PM CST for Training Squad
Night. Last Full Week of the month, Thursday 8 PM to 10 PM CST for Melee Arena Squad Night.
Training Night would consist of custom arena setup, with specific training planned, such ACM,
Jabo, Tank tactics, Naval Gunnery, and Bombing techniques. Arena Squad Night would consist
of the Squad teaming up together for specific missions, Base Takes, Strat Bombing runs
(w/escort), Ground attacks w/Air Support.