Select up to 4 planes and hit submit
The Aces High™ Fighter Performance
Comparison Site
One of the
toughest things for a new player to get a handle of in Aces High is
just what plane to use, and how that plane stacks up against the
others. Some of the data is on the HiTech Creations site, some is
floating around the BBS, some is on various player's sites. But it's
not really compiled in a way that makes side-by-side-by-side
comparisons easy, or easy to read. This site is an attempt to solve
that problem.
This site is
built using a custom PHP script written by "DoKtor GonZo" who was kind
enough to let us have the code and re-write it to do away with the
"Flash" generated graphs and add a javascript that does about the same
- Select four planes from the left-hand column,
hit "Submit" ... that's it.
- If you pick more than four planes, it'll only
show the first four (for some definition of "first").
Britian |
Germany |
Russia |

Japan |
Italy |
- Planes were tested in their "typical" Main
Arena load-outs (i.e. La-7's had 3 cannon, P47's had 8 machine guns,
Below are a few "common" searches of fighter groups in the
MA or some of the scenarios. Here's a few
- DoKtor GonZo (Programming and Concept)
- WideWing (Data Measurement and Collection)
- Hammer (Data Measurement and Collection)
- MOSQ (Data Measurement and Collection)
- Tony Williams (WW2 Weapon Data)
- Fugitive (Programming, hosting, and rebirth)
If you want to add to this, you can start HERE!